
We’re continue to trawl through the fringes of the world of Frankenstein with the 1998 Oscar-winning drama GODS AND MONSTERS!

Join us as we review the film, Brennan tries to decipher 90’s mainstream gayness, and Sergio enjoys watching an actual Osrbait movie for this show!

Ten Word Reviews: The Grudge

Our theme music is “A Beat for You” by Pseudo Echo. You can find more episodes of this show and others at podpeople.me



We actually get to do good movies on this podcast sometimes, now isn’t that nice? This week we’re talking about 1935’s THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN!

Join us as we review the film, Brennan waxes poetic about loneliness, Sergio is bothered by how little Bride we actually get, and we makes connections to the broadest array of pop culture you ever did see.

Ten Word Reviews: Brightburn, The Perfection, Aladdin

Our theme music is “A Beat for You” by Pseudo Echo. You can find more episodes of this show and others at podpeople.me



We wrap up the month with the beginning of the fourth franchise marathon that will be filling out our schedule for the months to come! It’s almost the very beginning of American horror cinema itself, 1931’s FRANKENSTEIN!

Join us as we review the film, Brennan amuses himself with Easter jokes, Sergio likes that it has a story, and we struggle to separate ourselves from 2019!

Ten Word Reviews: The Curse of La Llorona

Our theme music is “A Beat for You” by Pseudo Echo. You can find more episodes of this show and others at podpeople.me