Donation Drive #4: GALAXY OF TERROR (1981)

It’s our final Donation Drive episode! In honor of his donation to the ACLU, Patrick Hamilton got to make us watch GALAXY OF TERROR!

Join us as we review the film, get sidetracked discussing PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN ephemera, and explore exactly how this film fits into Brennan’s ALIEN marathon.

Donation Drive #3: TALES FROM THE CRYPT

It’s a short episode this time, but it’s certainly re-gore-ding! We mean rewarding! We pay another visit to the Cryptkeeper to watch two episodes of TALES FROM THE CRYPT, as suggested to us by Ryan Healey, who donated to the ACLU!

If you donate $5 or more to one of the following organizations, you will be able to choose a movie we review on the show!

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)

Human Rights Campaign

The Trevor Project

Donation Drive #2: NIGHT OF THE DEMONS (1988)

For the second episode of our donation drive bonus series, Rob Lorentz donated to the ACLU and got to make us watch the 1988 cult classic NIGHT OF THE DEMONS! 

Join us as we review the film, grumpily discuss the Super Bowl, and generally just give a bunch of cultural signifiers that we recorded this last week.

If you donate $5 or more to one of the following organizations, you will be able to choose a movie we review on the show!

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)

Planned Parenthood

NOW (National Organization for Women)

Donation Drive #1: DEAD AGAIN (1991)

Our donation drive is getting into full swing, so it’s time for our first listener selection! For donating to the ACLU, Andy and Typhanie Klein got to make us take a look at 1991’s Kenneth Branagh reincarnation thriller DEAD AGAIN!

Join us as we review the film, attempt to wrangle Sergio’s frayed attention span, and discover the magic of VHS preroll!

If you donate $5 or more to one of the following organizations, you will be able to choose a movie we review on the show!

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)

NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)

NOW (National Organization for Women)

CHIRLA  (Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles)