154: You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah (2023)

“That’s why we fought the Nazis? So you could have a mojito bar?!”

The Wives Colangelo are heading back to middle school and becoming young women, Sandler family-style, with YOU ARE SO NOT INVITED TO MY BAT MITZVAH. Together the Wives talk about the benefits of watching coming-of-age stories about different cultures than your own, cry about the fact they're now old enough to see Adam Sandler in dad mode, and talk about how important it is to see a film depict the hardest relationship moment of a young girl's life -- fighting with your best friend.


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BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/