Female Directors Month: Exit Exam

Female directors month has unfortunately drawn to a close. Join us as we rank the four films we covered in February, and play a game with a startling conclusion!

If you donate $5 or more to one of the following organizations, you will be able to choose a movie we review on the show!

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) aclu.org

Planned Parenthood plannedparenthood.org

NOW (National Organization for Women) now.org

African-American Directors Month: Exit Exam

It’s time to close the book on what has proven to be the happiest month of all, despite us having to watch a Madea movie!

If you donate $5 or more to one of the following organizations, you will be able to choose a movie we review on the show!

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) aclu.org

NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) naacp.org

Mexican Horror Month: Exit Exam

Happy New Year, everybody! Join us as we wrap up Mexican horror month with a very special game and a celebration of our favorite horror movies of 2016!

If you donate to one of the following organizations, you will be able to choose a movie we review on the show!

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) aclu.org
I Am Holding Your Hand zazzle.com/iamholdingyourhand
Border Angels borderangels.org
CHIRLA  (Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles) chirla.org
Immigration Equality immigrationequality.org
National Immigration Forum immigrationforum.org
Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights theyoungcenter.org

First Films Month: Exit Exam

It’s time to say farewell to First Films Month, but first let’s recap what we’ve learned over the past 30 days!

Also, we get to hear about YOUR favorite scary movies and have a super special secret chat with the good folks from Reply All. 

Also, apologies for the audio quality once again. This was recorded on the same night as the previous episode, when our equipment went on strike.

Vampire Month: Exit Exam

So, it’s the end of the first month of Scream 101 season 2. Fall has sprung, the leaves are turning brown in other parts of the world that aren’t Southern California, and Count Dracula is thanking his unlucky stars for the shorter, less sunny days.

In this episode, we review our month of vampire film-watchin’, find out what we learned, and play a little game to test our bloodsucking knowledge. Be sure to join us next month for a special October extravaganza!