Month 11: Anniversary

This month is the second anniversary of Scream 101, so we’ll be following up with some titles we’ve covered over the previous year! Join us as we explain the concept of the month a little further, reminisce over past tortures Sergio has suffered through, and play a fun, only slightly challenging memory game!

Our theme music is “A Beat for You” by Pseudo Echo. You can find more episodes of this show and others at 

Month 7: Gay Directors

For the final month of our donation drive, we are putting a spotlight on horror films made by gay directors! Join us as we introduce the month and explore some of what we already know.

If you donate $5 or more to one of the following organizations, you will be able to choose a movie we review on the show!

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)

Human Rights Campaign

The Trevor Project

Month 6: Female Directors

Like sands in the hourglass, the months of our lives keep ticking by. It’s already February, and time to start a brand new theme month! In celebration of Women in Horror Month we will be putting the spotlight on horror movies from female directors! Join us as we run through some titles we’ve already seen.

If you donate $5 or more to one of the following organizations, you will be able to choose a movie we review on the show!

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)

Planned Parenthood

NOW (National Organization for Women)

Month 5: African-American Directors

Happy New Year, everybody! We’re hitting 2017 with a fresh new month, putting the spotlight on African-American horror filmmakers! (Apologies for the first minute of the podcast, the audio went crazy and we have no idea why)

If you donate to one of the following organizations, you will be able to choose a movie we review on the show!

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)

Black Lives Matter

Campaign Zero

NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) 

Month 4: Mexican Horror

From December to March (Brennan mistakenly said April, ignore him), we will be picking themes each month that put a spotlight on filmmakers who are part of marginalized or disenfranchised communities. This month we’re doing Mexican Horror, and it’s very exciting indeed.

If you donate to one of the following organizations, you will be able to choose a movie we review on the show!

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)

I Am Holding Your Hand

Border Angels

CHIRLA  (Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles)

Immigration Equality

National Immigration Forum

Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights

Month 2: First Films

It’s our second month of season 2, but it’s also October so we’re going with a special theme this month: First Films. That’s right, we’ll be exploring famous directors whose first time behind the camera was at the helm of a horror movie. Things are gonna get wet and wild.

Join Sergio and Brennan as they discuss surprising skeletons in directors’ closets, Halloween costumes, and what they’re looking forward to this month!