"Lez Scares Jessica to Death” (w/ Parker Brennon!)

For the second week of Listener Request Month, our guest is the very listener who requested we watch LET’S SCARE JESSICA TO DEATH, filmmaker Parker Brennon! The Queerwolves discuss the biology of mice vs. moles, casting a potential remake, and why on Earth anybody would want to make an old white man immortal. Plus, in Tea Time we sip on BIRD BOX, THE FAVOURITE, ROMA, and Parker shares some of his favorite short films! Find Parker Brennon on Twitter: @parkerbrennon Find us on Twitter and Instagram: @queerwolfpod You can follow the whole crew here... Nay: Twitter & Insta @blakkcupcake Art Insta @gaudylosangeles Mark: Twitter @seniorteenager Insta @seniorteen Michael: Twitter @michaelkenken Insta @michaelkenken1 Producer Brennan: Twitter @itsrainingbrens Insta @theburningclem