Hanna (2011)

"I mean, you're a freak and everything, but I like you."

There's so much more to the teen girl movie genre than high school stories, and Joe Wright's HANNA is a perfect example of it. The Wives Colangelo are discussing the different ways a parent can define love, Cate Blanchett's questionable accent, whether or not Hanna is neurodivergent, and why Sophie is such a fantastic best friend character.


Articles Mentioned

Focus Features: Now Ten Years Old, Hanna Just Keeps Going


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Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Almost Famous (2000) w/ Jaclyn Moore

"I always tell the girls, never take it seriously, if ya never take it seriously, ya never get hurt, ya never get hurt, ya always have fun, and if you ever get lonely, just go to the record store and visit your friends."

The Wives Colangelo are joined by the wise and wonderful Jaclyn Moore to talk about the glory of ALMOST FAMOUS. We're talking about "egg behavior" trans themes, good tunes, groupie culture, and seeing yourself in stories you never thought possible.


Articles Mentioned

Fashion Magazine: 20 Years After Almost Famous, Has The Idea of the Groupie Changed?


Follow Our Guest! @JaclynPMoore


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Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Sleepover (2004) w/ Abby Rose Morris

"You're out here collecting tickets instead of being inside at the dance. You spend your weekends doing extra credit algebra, you play way too much Monopoly with your parents, and you've never eaten anywhere near the fountain. And in 4 years I will be YOU unless I get into that dance!"

We're heading back to 2004 to talk about the teen hijinks comedy SLEEPOVER. This week The Wives Colangelo are joined by Abby Rose Morris of the podcast, More than Tracy Turnblad, to talk about a stellar cast, fat representation in teen girl cinema, and why this movie plays like a PG-rated sex comedy.


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See Abby's 'More Than Tracy Turnblad' Cabaret!



Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Adventures in Babysitting (1987)

"Now boys, if either of you give me any grief I swear to God I'll kill you. Dead, murdered, stabbed."

ADVENTURES IN BABYSITTING is an undeniable classic of the teen girl movie canon, but the fish-out-of-water story of a group of kids from the suburbs thrust into Chicago has aged ... poorly. We have a lovingly frank discussion about an absolute blast of a movie, that tried very hard to be different from the blatantly offensive films of the years prior but couldn't quite stick the landing. That said, there's a reason people still have so much love for this film, and a reason why "don't fuck with the babysitter" is one of the all-time great line deliveries in the genre.


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Articles Mentioned

The Guardian: Blacking up, wacky Asians and the Libyans - the worst of 80s movie racism

Vulture: Elisabeth Shue Answers Every Question You Have About Adventures in Babysitting


Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

American Pie (1999)

"She's gone! Oh my God, she used me. I was used. I was used! Cool!"

We're kicking off 2023 by examining the real reason that teen girl cinema went into hibernation after 1999, with the sex comedy that completely changed the genre. That's right, strap in for a discussion on AMERICAN PIE. As This Ends at Prom expands the scope of the films we cover, it's important to look at the game-changers that impacted the films we love so much. So let's talk about Stifler's mom, that "one time at band camp," and whether or not third base actually feels like a warm apple pie.


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Articles Mentioned

The Atlantic: Was 'American Pie' More Influential Than 'Titanic'?

The Guardian: American Pie at 20 -- why the raucous comedy could never be made today


Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)

"Listen, I know I can be hard to be around sometimes. I totally understand if you don't want to hang anymore."

For the third year in a row, we're ending the calendar with a Michael Cera movie that completely changed the way women were presented in teen cinema moving forward. This time, we're rocking out, playing games, dying our hair, and unpacking our baggage with SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD. We're talking about this perfect time capsule of a very niche part of 2010, for better and for worse. WE ARE THIS ENDS AT PROM AND WE'RE HERE TO MAKE YOU THINK ABOUT YOUR INNER TEEN AND WORK THROUGH IT AND STUFF. 1-2-3-4!!!!


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Articles Mentioned

NPR: Does 'Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World' Hold Up, Ten Years Later?

The Ringer: Knives Chau Has Always Been the Coolest Part of ‘Scott Pilgrim vs. the World’



Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Anna and the Apocalypse (2017) w/ Matt Donato

"Christmas is fast becoming my least favorite 'C' word."

We're combining a coming-of-age story, a musical, a zombie-comedy, and a Christmas story all in one, ridiculously fun package with ANNA AND THE APOCALYPSE. The Wives Colangelo are joined by prolific film journalist, Matt Donato, who is quite possibly this film's biggest fan on the planet. We talk about seeing ourselves on screen, the appreciation of a musical where the characters can actually sing, the surprising amount of gore for a film this heartfelt, and why Christmas horror films are so much fun.


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Follow our guest on social media! @DonatoBomb


Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Black Christmas (1974)

"No, Clare, it's the Mormon Tabernacle Choir making their annual obscene phone call."

After three years, we've finally made our way through all three versions of BLACK CHRISTMAS. This week, we're talking about the one that started it all, Bob Clark's classic from 1974. We discuss the importance of BLACK CHRISTMAS in the slasher canon, how the oldest version of the film is somehow the most progressive of all three, wax poetic about Margot Kidder's Barb, and declare this as the best film we've ever covered on the show. (So far.)


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Articles Mentioned

The Radical Legacy of Black Christmas: https://morbidlybeautiful.com/radical-legacy-black-christmas/

The Low-Budget Canadian Film That Inspired 'Halloween' and Launched an Entire Horror Genre: https://www.thrillist.com/entertainment/nation/black-christmas-review-first-slasher-film-genre


Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

A Cinderella Story (2004)

"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."

You've been asking for it since the very beginning, but The Wives Colangelo are finally talking about the Hilary Duff not-Disney film, A CINDERELLA STORY. Let's talk about the brilliance of Jennifer Coolidge, the weird Lindsay Lohan/Hilary Duff drama that helped this film at the box office, and why this is the most paint-by-numbers teen girl film ever made. 


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Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Some Kind of Wonderful (35th Anniversary)

"The only things I care about in this goddamn life are me and my drums and you."

It's the 35th anniversary of John Hughes' final teen film, SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL, and The Wives Colangelo has plenty to say. We talk about why this film is the better version of PRETTY IN PINK, pay our respects to a forever crush in Watts, and even give a mini-lesson on the history of Skinheads. All of this and more in this week's episode.


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Article Mentioned

Entertainment Weekly: 'John Hughes was a romantic. He was in love with love': An oral history of Some Kind of Wonderful


Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm
BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo
Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor
Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo
Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Heaven Help Us (1985) w/ Margo Donohue

"I've been kicked off the track team, and without track, my grades will be based on ...my grades."

We're celebrating Brooklyn, the baby Brat Pack, and Boys' Catholic school with the criminally underseen HEAVEN HELP US. The Wives Colangelo are joined by podcaster, writer, and pop culture maven, Margo Donohue, who just released the book FILMED IN BROOKLYN all about movies set in her stomping grounds. We read a bit from Mike McPadden's TEEN MOVIE HELL, have the chance to examine how teen boys function differently around women compared to all-male groups, and try to figure out why we love Kevin Dillon's Rooney so much, even though he says the f-slur more in this movie than any others combined.


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Buy Margo's Book! : Filmed in Brooklyn


Follow Margo on social media: @BrooklynFitChik


Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

The DUFF (2015)

“It's actually not my job to give you pervy intel on my best friends but good luck anyway.”

Thanks to the franchise boom of the 2010s, there aren't always a lot of teen films to talk about from this time period. We've been saving this title for a rainy day, and it sure is pouring. That's right, The Wives Colangelo are finally diving deep into THE DUFF. Together we discuss the frustration of films with good intentions, the difference having a script and director can make when allowing actors to truly shine, and sadly including the information that the "DUFF" as a social conceit is a very real thing.


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Articles Mentioned

We Can Already Declare “The Duff” To Be the Worst Movie of 2015 (https://www.bitchmedia.org/post/we-can-already-declare-the-duff-to-be-the-worst-movie-of-2015)

Being the DUFF | Psychology Today



Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Election (1999)

“Some people say I'm an overachiever, but I think they're just jealous.”

It's election day and The Wives Colangelo are celebrating with the greatest American political film ever made, ELECTION. This week's discussions include the reappraisal of Tracy Flick as an archetype, why the guy who played Ferris Bueller thrives as a loser adult, and how weirdly relevant ELECTION has remained after all these years. PICK FLICK!


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Article Mentioned: Election - That’s Why It’s Destiny: https://www.criterion.com/current/posts/5189-election-thats-why-its-destiny


Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Coraline (2009) w/ Bona Bones

“Being brave didn’t mean you weren’t scared. Being brave meant you were scared, really scared, badly scared, and you did the right thing, anyway.”

This week The Wives Colangelo are going to stop-motion animation school with stop-motion educator, TikTok creator, and ROBOT CHICKEN animator Bona Bones to talk about Henry Selick and Neil Gaiman's spooky classic, CORALINE. There's a lot of geeking out on this week's episode, but plenty of conversations about growing up weird, trying to find your independence, and learning how to face your fears.


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Check on Bona's website: https://www.bonabones.com/


Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

We Are What We Are (2013)

"I don't know what you think you heard, but you must be mistaken..."

Sometimes the most horrific movies have nothing to do with active threats like demonic possession or masked slashers, but the twisted ways in which women are forced into roles they never asked for, and are convinced that harmful, patriarchal rule is "just the way it's always been." In Jim Mickle's haunting film WE ARE WHAT WE ARE, we see Ambyr Childers and Julia Garner forced to navigate their new gender roles as "the women of the house," and how they are now responsible for the preparation of their family's annual feast ...which may or may not be human flesh.


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

The Babysitter (2017) w/ Xero Gravity

"Things get messy when you make a deal with the devil."

Spooky season is well underway and this week we're giving praise to McG and Brian Duffield's fun as hell teen horror flick, THE BABYSITTER. The Wives Colangelo are joined by the illustrious host and podcaster Xero Gravity to talk about the brilliance of Samara Weaving, the female gaze, embracing "unelevated horror," and why we need more "f*ck off" horror movies.


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Follow Xero on social media: @idkgravity

Listen to her podcast Blerdy Massacre!


Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Halloween (1978)

"Halloween is when people play tricks on each other. It's all make-believe."

We're kicking off spooky season with a long-requested heavy hitter, John Carpenter's iconic slasher film, HALLOWEEN. Together The Wives discuss the impact of suburban horror stories, figure out which character we most closely identify with, and break down why the decision to center a film around a teen girl hero helped the film become a horror classic. It's Halloween. Everyone's entitled to one good scare.


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Hocus Pocus (1993)

"We must find the book, brew the potion and suck the lives out of the children of Salem before sunrise. Otherwise, it’s curtains. We evaporate! We cease to exist! Dost thou comprehend?"

With the upcoming sequel just around the corner, we're celebrating the Sanderson sisters with a return to HOCUS POCUS. Is this the last cult film to make a crossover into becoming a classic? Why is this film so concerned with mocking virgins? Does Disney approve of monster f*cking? The Wives Colangelo attempt to answer these questions and so many more in this must-listen to episode. Ah say ento pi alpha mabi upendi!


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Sugar & Spice (2001) w/ Chelsea Rebecca of Dead Meat

“If the O.J. trial taught us anything, it taught us that, in America, you can cut somebody's head off and still be innocent as long as you have enough money.”

We've got spirit, yes we do! We've got spirit, how 'bout you? This week The Wives are tackling the darkly comedic cheerleading bank robbery film SUGAR & SPICE, and we're joined by Chelsea Rebecca of the Dead Meat podcast. Together the trio discuss the himbo greatness of James Marsden, how all of the marketing completely buried the lede of Diane's pregnancy, and how the rest of the world ignores the powerful political symbolism of Richard Nixon and pregnant Betty Dolls in American flag capes robbing a bank because it's in a teen girl movie.


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Follow Chelsea on Twitter: @carebecc

Check Out Dead Meat!: https://www.youtube.com/c/DeadMeat/videos


Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Romy and Michele's High School Reunion - 25th Anniversary w/ Brennan Klein

“Like if there’s a guy in a rowboat going X miles, and the current is going, like, you know, some other miles, how long does it take him to get to town? It was like, who cares? Who wants to go to town with a guy in a rowboat?”

In honor of the anniversary of one of the greatest sisterhood comedies of all time, we're having a little This Ends at Prom reunion of our own, as producer Brennan Klein returns to talk ROMY & MICHELE'S HIGH SCHOOL REUNION. Together the trio discuss the quotable dialogue, the incomparable fashion, and completely forget to even mention Justin Theroux as the cowboy who gets it on with Janeane Garofalo!


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Articles Referenced

The cast and creator of ‘Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion’ are ready to reunite: https://rb.gy/2eqvt3


Follow Brennan on Twitter! @itsrainingbrens


Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/