Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999)

"Mom gave me this 9mil for my birthday, I'll always remember what she wrote in the card. "Jesus loves winners". That's why, no matter what I do, I aim to win."

Grab your tap shoes and put some vaseline on your teeth, because we're going to Mount Rose, Minnesota and talking DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. BJ talks a lot about her history as a child and teenage beauty queen, Harmony dives deep into the peculiar culture of Midwestern small towns where everybody knows everybody, both lament the glory of Kirstie Alley's incredible hair, and we discuss why we think this movie was a financial and critical flop upon release that eventually gained a cult following

Articles Mentioned


Drop Dead Gorgeous at 20: how dark pageant comedy works better in 2019: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2019/jul/23/drop-dead-gorgeous-20th-anniversary-dark-comedy


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Lez Bomb (2018)

"This is not how I saw my life. But it's so much better than anything I could've imagined. I wanna be with you."

In honor of everyone getting together to stuff our faces, avoid our families, and try to erase all of the lies fed to us during our elementary school educations surrounding Thanksgiving, we're talking about the coming-out queer holiday romcom, LEZ BOMB. We tell our coming out stories, talk about the weirdness that is introducing your partner to your family, and BJ cries a bunch. Enjoy!


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Angel (1984) w/ M. Lopes da Silva

"It was easy. I just put on some sexy clothes and high heels and I went out and made a living."

It's another edition of TEEN MOVIE HELL and this week we're talking about the teenage exploitation classic, ANGEL with non-binary author and soapmaker, M. Lopes da Silva. Together the three discuss the importance of found family, praise the trans representation of Mae, and pay our respects to the pro-sex work message of this remarkable cinematic treasure.

Follow Our Guest on Twitter! @_MLopesdaSilva

Buy Our Guest's Book! https://rb.gy/ha4ar1

Buy Our Guest's Soap! https://www.etsy.com/shop/SaltCatSoap


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Pleasantville (1998)

"No, David. Nobody's happy in a poodle skirt and sweater set."

This week The Wives are jumping back to the supposed good ol' days and taking a trip to PLEASANTVILLE. Together they discuss how this is a teen girl movie hidden beneath a teen boy protagonist, Harmony talks about "mental hygiene films" aka teen behavioral propaganda, BJ talks about the complications of telling this story with an all-white cast, and both pay homage to Paul Walker as an underappreciated himbo.


Article Mentioned:

‘Pleasantville’ Was Only Pleasant Because of Its Erasure of POC: https://www.vice.com/en/article/wj93x4/pleasantville-20-year-anniversary-cold-take


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Find the show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (2006)

“You don’t get to choose who or when you meet. However, you do get to choose who you hold onto.”

This week The Wives are visited by the incredible filmmaker Nace DeSanders and they're talking about the coming-of-age anime film, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. Together the three talk about the ethics of time travel, BJ learns what a salt tablet is, and Nace shares her experiences of living in Japan for college.


Article Mentioned:

Time travel, catharsis and Mamoru Hosoda’s animated worlds: https://www.polygon.com/2018/11/29/18117959/mirai-review-mamoru-hosoda-girl-who-leapt-through-time


Follow Nace on Social Media: @NaceDeSanders

Support her film Hello, Sickness: https://nacedesanders.com/store/

Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Find the show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Halloweentown (1998)

"Being normal is vastly overrated."

We're ending Spooky Season with one of the most requested titles, the Disney Channel Original Movie HALLOWEENTOWN. We talk about queer read of found communities and monstrous treatment, why denying children their heritage is bad, and discuss why Halloweentown is pro-socialism.

Article Mentioned: Is Halloweentown Anti-Capitalist? : https://isthismovieanticapitalist.medium.com/is-halloweentown-1998-anticapitalist-6ef7d68f5fa8

Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Find the show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Hell Fest (2018) w/ screenwriter Seth M. Sherwood

"Came here to be scared, right? I can't arrest people for doin' their job. Welcome to Hell Fest."

This week The Wives are chatting with someone who actually writes teen horror for a living, HELL FEST screenwriter Seth M. Sherwood! We talk about HELL FEST being totally underrated, Seth gives insight into how he writes characters from a perspective he's never lived, and we get really deep into the idea of romanticizing high school milestones for a generation that hasn't had a "normal" high school experience for two years.

Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Find the show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor

Follow Seth on Twitter @SethMSherwood


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Night of the Demons (1988)

"Eat a bowl of f*ck! I am here to PARTY!"

We're throwing a Halloween party and all of you demons are invited! This week The Wives talk about ghost stories, teenage hijinks, why this movie isn't as beloved as it deserves to be, and the groundbreaking representation with the cast.

Articles Discussed


‘NIGHT OF THE DEMONS (1988)’ deserves more recognition as a camp masterpiece


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom

Find the show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Ginger Snaps (2000)

"I get this ache... And I, I thought it was for sex, but it's to tear everything to f*cking pieces."

It's the return of Spooky Season and we're kicking it off with the highly-requested werewolf coming-of-age story, GINGER SNAPS! BJ talks about interviewing actor Emily Perkins and screenwriter Karen Walton for the film's 20th Anniversary, Harmony dives into the inherent trans reads of werewolf films, and both discuss life as edgy teens in the 00s.

Articles Discussed


A Different Kind of Monster Movie: Writer Karen Walton Reflects on ‘Ginger Snaps’ 20 Years Later: https://bloody-disgusting.com/interviews/3633638/different-kind-monster-movie-writer-karen-walton-reflects-ginger-snaps-20-years-later/


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom

Find the show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Motocrossed (2001)

"Don't be such a girl Carson."

This week we're cutting our hair, shredding the tracks, and talking about the trojan horse of Disney Channel queerness, 2001's MOTOCROSSED. Can you believe this movie does an incredible job tackling toxic masculinity? No, we're serious. 

Articles Discussed


The 2000s Made Me Gay by Grace Perry: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250760159


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom

Find the show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Little Darlings (1980)

"I hit a home run at fourteen. Well I guess some of us are women, and some of us are little girls."

We're heading back a few decades with this surprisingly sex-positive film about teenage virginity, 1980's LITTLE DARLINGS. The Wives Colangelo discuss at length just how queer this movie is, healthy expressions of teenage sexuality, and the reality that sometimes sex is super disappointing!

Articles Discussed


Bruce LaBruce’s Academy of the Underrated: Little Darlings https://www.talkhouse.com/bruce-labruces-academy-underrated-little-darlings/


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom

Find the show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

He's All That (2021)

"High school's just a bunch of scared people pretending to be something they're not."

You asked and we delivered. This week we're talking about the remake/reboot of an all-time teen classic, Netflix's HE'S ALL THAT! BJ short circuits a bit trying to express why she enjoys this movie, Harmony gives praise to blatant product placement, and together the two try to figure out why despite this being 100% the type of movie they'd hate, they actually had fun?


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom

Find the show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

The Princess Diaries 20th Anniversary

"You try living for 15 years thinking that you're one person, and then in five minutes, you find out you're a princess. Just in case I wasn't enough of a freak already, let's add a tiara!”

THE PRINCESS DIARIES is turning 20 and we're here to celebrate. Let's talk about etiquette, the ultimate BFF Lilly Moscovitz, the unbridled star power of Anne Hathaway, and the nonsense of 00s paparazzi we all just accepted as normal.


Articles Discussed

The Everything-You-Didn’t-Know Oral History of ‘The Princess Diaries: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/movies/a37091522/princess-diaries-oral-history/


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom

Find the show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

The Last Unicorn (1982)

"There are no happy endings because nothing ends."

We're back with another animated favorite, this time diving into the fantastical world of 1982's THE LAST UNICORN. Stacked trees, drunk skeletons, and a the relationship between queer audiences and animation are all discussed, with interludes of Harmony randomly singing the theme song.


Articles Discussed

The Last Unicorn was nightmare fuel to a generation of kids: https://www.avclub.com/the-last-unicorn-was-nightmare-fuel-to-a-generation-of-1798276272


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom

Find the show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Mean Girls (2004) - This Ends at Prom's One Year Anniversary

"I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me... but I can't help it that I'm so popular."

This Ends at Prom is officially a year old, and to celebrate we're talking about the most requested movie--MEAN GIRLS (2004). Is Janis Ian the true villain? Is Regina George actually a closeted lesbian? All of these questions and more answered in a must-listen to celebration.


Articles Discussed

Mean Girls Theory Suggests Regina George is a Closeted Lesbian: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2021/05/18/mean-girls-regina-george-lesbian-tiktok-lizzie-mchigher/

I Can't Believe It Took Me This Long to Realize My Favorite Movie is Racist: https://www.keshiasih.com/blog/i-cant-believe-it-took-me-this-long-to-realize-my-favorite-movie-is-racist

Janis Ian is the True Villain of Mean Girls: https://twitter.com/dontforgetjames/status/936128428981362688?lang=en


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom

Find the show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Go (1999) w/ Alex Steed

"You know what wakes me up in the middle of the night covered in a cold sweat? Knowing that you aren't any worse than anyone else in your whole screwed up generation."

Teen girl movies aren't always bubblegum pop and we're remembering that with the "Tarantino for Teens" classic, 1999's GO with the help of our dear podcast Daddy, Alex Steed of You Are Good (formerly Why Are Dads?). Together the three discuss the influence of the representation of working class youths, Alex shares what it was like to actually be a teen in the 90s, and we all decide whether or not Jane Krakowski could make us join a multi-level marketing scheme. 


Articles Discussed

Don’t Let It ‘Go’ Away: The Frantic, Furious Making of a Cult Movie Classic: https://www.theringer.com/movies/2019/3/29/18283794/go-making-of-doug-liman-john-august-sarah-polley-katie-holmes-no-doubt


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom


Find Alex on Tiktok, Twitter & Instagram: @AlexSteed

Find the show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Tragedy Girls (2017)

"If Sadie needs, like, an alibi or something just to get her out of a jam just tell her she can say she was with me watching some Dario Argento movie, okay?"

Recorded for the FRIGHTGOWN film festival, The Wives dive into one of the most popular teen horror films in recent years, TRAGEDY GIRLS. They discuss the true love of your best friend, the glory of Brianna Hildebrand, and there's a long tirade about people who are a little too fixated on true crime.


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom

Find the show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Stick It (2006)

“Yeah, um, you've got a lot of people going to the Olympics. Just curious, what country will they be representing? The state of delusion?"

In honor of the Olympics and Simone Biles continuing to prove why she's the GOAT, we're talking about the gymnastics classic STICK IT (2006). BJ dives deep into her life as an elite artistic athlete, Harmony talks about how this movie is the epitome of 2006, and yes, we talk about the queer awakening of millennials and that ice bath scene.


Articles Discussed

'Stick It' Is Secretly the Greatest Sports Movie of All Time: https://vocal.media/geeks/stick-it-is-secretly-the-greatest-sports-movie-of-all-time


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom

Find the show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead (1991) w/ David Lawson Jr.

“Sue Ellen, every girl over twenty-five should have a cucumber in the house.”

This week The Wives are covering an all-time favorite and a cult classic, DON'T TELL MOM THE BABYSITTER'S DEAD joined by Rustic Films' David Lawson Jr. Together the three discuss being latchkey kids in the 90s, how much easier it was to scam employers before the internet, and Harmony drops a confession that takes BJ's breath away. 


Follow David Lawson Jr. on Twitter & Instagram @DavidLawsonJr 

Check out his latest movie Synchronic on Netflix! 


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom

Find the show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/

Night of the Comet (1984)

“See, this is the problem with these things. Daddy would have gotten us Uzis.”

It's Christmas in July at the end of the word and we're celebrating with NIGHT OF THE COMET! This week The Wives discuss how they'd react to the end of the world, embracing high femme presentation during the apocalypse, and Harmony shares a moment that made her feel starstruck.


Article Discussed

'Night of the Comet' is a feel-good dystopian movie set in L.A.': https://la.curbed.com/2020/4/10/21216395/night-of-the-comet-dystopian-movie

1984’s ‘Night of the Comet’ is a Holiday Treat That’s Perfect for Christmastime Watching: https://bloody-disgusting.com/editorials/3535614/hidden-holiday-favorite-night-comet/


Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/thisendsatprom

Find the show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm

BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo

Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor


Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo

Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/