#6: Celebrity Couples, Backmasking, and Hate Mail from Eric McCormack


This week, we’re getting topical and talking celebrity couples in the wake of the breakup of Chris Pratt and Anna Faris. We talk our favorite celebrity couples, celebrity couple dynasties, and films and TV shows that use a couple’s notoriety to their advantage. Plus, we invent a whole new couple, and we may have just found our first nemesis…

Our theme song is “Good Day” by Tally Hall. You can find more episodes of this show and others on podpeople.me

#5: Top 5 Road Trip Movies, The Odyssey, and the Rise and Fall of Britney Spears

This week, we’re listing our top 5 road trip movies! We talk the dog days of summer, compare the best and worst moments from our own personal road trips, and the resurgence of ABBA. Our lists only overlap once! What title do you think it’ll be?

Our theme song is “Good Day” by Tally Hall. You can find more episodes of this show and others on podpeople.me

#4: IMDb Pages, Fake Deaths, and Quentin DiCaprio

This week, we’re talking IMDb pages! We talk meteoric rises to stardom, incredible runs of films, and mostly just wait while our phones load. Plus, we hear back from Brennan about a movie Dave mentioned in episode 1: Fierce Creatures!

Also Dave gets attacked constantly by Brennan’s pets! That’s what you get for recording at a different house, Dave.

Our theme song is “Good Day” by Tally Hall. You can find more episodes of this show and others on podpeople.me

#3: Harry Potter, Jaws 3, and Monkey Bathrooms

It’s Harry Potter’s birthday and we’re celebrating in style by discussing all things Hogwarts. But first, Brennan recaps the ending of Jaws 3 (spoiler alert!). Join us as we talk the books, the movies and their cabal of great British actors, the culture surrounding the Wizarding World, and the mystical story of Stebbins. Who has four thumbs and rants about the Hogwarts houses? Us!

Our theme song is “Good Day” by Tally Hall. You can find more episodes of this show and others on podpeople.me

#2: Movie Pet Peeves, Ancient British Accents, and Chris Hemsworth's Chest Hair

This week, we’re talking movie pet peeves! As much as we love movies, sometimes they can be so annoying, like when movies give people from Ancient Greece British accents for no reason or how people stop to have emotional conversations while the timer on the bomb is ticking down.

Our theme song is “Good Day” by Tally Hall. You can find more episodes of this show and others on podpeople.me

#1: Top 10 Movies, Media Moguls, and Pepe the King Prawn

Hello and welcome to the inaugural episode of Cast Party! Join Dave and Brennan as they introduce themselves by sharing their top 10 favorite movies! In this episode, we explain the parameters of the show going forward, take a couple tangents on their maiden voyage, and produce a couple surprising titles!

Our theme song is “Good Day” by Tally Hall. You can find more episodes of this show and others on podpeople.me

Trailer for Cast Party

Cast Party is a freewheeling pop culture conversation show between Brennan Klein, a professional writer, and Dave Blum, his high school drama teacher! Join them for this brief intro to the show, which appropriately has technologically malfunctioned. While the audio quality will immediately improve once Brennan learns how to turn the microphones ON, it’s probably a good example of the comic anarchy that exists in their conversation.

Enjoy, and we’ll see you on Monday, July 3rd for our very first episode!